Hello Double Peak School TK-8 community! Below are PTO updates for May 12, 2021.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation: In awe of the DPS community coming together to appreciate the dedicated and wonderful teachers and staff. Special thanks to, all the room parents; Francie for your dedication and creativity; and all helpers.
Dine Outs: Chipotle, 5/26/21, 4 p.m., 33% to DPS. Thank you, Georgia for putting together, and Nashielly for the suggestion! “What’s gonna work? Teeaaam work!”
*The DPS Music Booster is hosting two Dine Outs AND performing at each! Check the calendar for the dates below.
Coffee Fundraiser: 5/17-21/21. We have partnered with Coffee Aside, a local nonprofit that brings coffee that is ethically sourced from small lot farmers. During the fundraiser week, ALL SALES (not just DPS labels) from their website will get DPS 20% back! You just order, and they will freshly roast, grind, and ship your coffee to you for free across the US. This is as fresh as it gets! And how cool is it that DPS has its own FDA-approved coffee labels! Save the date and start shopping on the 17th! www.coffeeaside.com
DPS 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony: As a TK-8, DPS will celebrate 8th-grade students promoting to high school. We have no doubt, families will love it. Guests are limited to 8th-grade students and their two guests only.
Fresh Plumeria Leis for Ceremony: On sale now. Thank you, Sonja, for jumping in to help with sales & distribution. Thank you to our DPS K teachers’ auntie for hand-making each. Truly a gift.
All funds raised are earmarked for next years’ 8th-grade fund. At DPS, our very foundation is the understanding that we are better together.
DPS 8th Grade Yard Signs: Thank you, Ginni, for jumping in to lead on this one! Our promoting DPS 8th grade students will love it! Order at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeH8FGp8SeJsa9W-HlF9oGp0b8lCt9xNbib7z-iBNZKWkAzHQ/viewform
DPS Yearbook: Watch for notifications from Mrs. Kniseley and the Yearbook Class. They’re selling in front of the school regularly!
Spirit Wear: Sales in front of PAC most Fridays. Watch for updates. Thank you, Danielle! Prefer online? https://sunsspiritwear.myshopify.com/collections/spirit-wear
Gratitude: Special THANK YOU to our administrative team and staff! We could not be more thankful for ALL you do, much of which is behind the scenes. Many times over, THANK YOU.
Ongoing, special THANK YOU, to the DP PTO board members. We are better together!
PTO Board & Prospective Meetings: June 1, 5:30 p.m.
Meeting ID: 5261616925/ Passcode: 2T6RhR
With much gratitude,
~Double Peak PTO
On the Horizon:
Calendar Types: (A) Activity, (F) Fundraiser, (H) Holiday, (M) Meeting, (SE) School Event
(F) May 17-21; DPS Coffee Fundraiser; Web/Coffee Aside; all week.
(F) May 26; Dine Out; Chipotle; 4 p.m.
(H) May 31; Memorial Day, No School
(M) June 1; PTO Board Meeting, 5:30 p.m.
(F) June 2; Band performance & Booster Dine Out, Pizza Nova
(A) June 3-4; Spirit Day - Hawaii Day
(SE) June 8; 8th Grade Promotion
(SE) June 9; Last day of school; minimum day
(A) June 9; Band & Dine Out; Fresh Healthy Cafe @ Farmer’s Market, 1:30-3 p.m.